A New Creation of Me in Christ
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
7 months ago..........
So off I went for an amazing week right smack in the middle of the Christmas season. What an incredible blessing to see my Haitian loves so soon, at such a blessed time of year. Oh how I missed my babes. Oh how I miss them so much when we are apart.
I have several stories to share and a few photos to post along the way. :)
Already planning trip #5 BUT should actually take time to blog and share trip #4. It was absolutely fabulous!
Monday, June 11, 2012
Sorting it all out.......
It's hard. So hard. Hard to come home from seeing and hearing and feeling so much heartache and yet so much hope. Hard to be with such precious children and then just leave them. Hard to hold those sweet faces, praying you will hold them again soon..............but never truly knowing what the future holds for either of us. Praying. Hoping. Sorting........and holding onto every ounce of sanity I can muster so that I am not bawling my eyes out in the middle of Target again.
So I came home. I sat at the kitchen table with my precious husband. I started telling him random stories. I bounced from one thought to the next, no real connection between anything I was saying. Bless him. He sat attentively and hung on every word, every tear, every silent moment as I tried to regain my composure.......and even when I thought I had it, I knew I was still silently breaking inside. Because this time, God broke me in a new way. He broke me and He is going to put me back together like nothing I could imagine. I know this because I have faith. Faith that He has a plan for what He has shown me. A plan for me to be different than my same. Different to change me.
And I have struggled. Mostly silently. Sometimes I share with my sister how I almost broke down in Publix. I share with my hubby random thoughts......I usually only go so deep until I get a "what are you talking about?" kind of look and then I bounce back to being funny or witty. Because I get it. If you haven't seen it or experienced it you really can't "get it" sometimes. I mean you can be heartbroken and be sad.....but some things I believe you truly have to experience to really "get it".
So here I sit. 9 days later. Still struggling to sort it out. And I really need to sort through my 1600 pictures. There are so many waiting to see the faces of the children they love.......but whenever I open the file, I sob. I sob hard. I cry because I love them. I cry because I miss them. I cry because they have taught me so much and I am forever grateful for all the ways they have inadvertently enriched my life. I cry because I long to be a different kind of better me, because of them.
So the sorting of it all continues........and I can't help but wonder if I have really just been sorting it all out since I first saw Haiti almost 2 years ago?
Sunday, May 20, 2012
sometimes a picture is worth 1,000 words......or to me 1,000 tears
So last summer on our final day of HBS (Haitian Bible School) we did a craft project with the kids where we did hand prints. We rolled out sheets of art easel paper and had cups of tempera paint and we let the children put their hand prints on the paper and write their name with colorful sharpies. It was such a fun and awesome time to watch them get messy in the art and to see all of their hands together.
Needless to say, it was a little chaotic........150 kids to hand print, one table, lots of paint, 100 degrees and trying to stay semi-orderly. But they nailed it! They are SO awesome when it comes to following directions and taking instructions. They are eager to be near you and involved and to see what fun is in store. So we have the table all set up and we are going to town........
There are a couple older guys that are helping to keep the children organized and the flow moving and it's going great. Then I felt a tug on my hand and when I looked over Saint Fey was painting my hand red.......
............in every single detail.
The first sigh moment was that ordered this shirt to support an adoption.......

It has Micah 6:8 on the back:
But he's already made it plain how to live, what to do,
what God is looking for in men and women.
It's quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor,
be compassionate and loyal in your love, And don't take yourself too seriously—take God seriously.
At our final team meeting two nights ago, Derek handed out our mission devotional/journals. On the back is printed Micah 6:8. Derek said this is our verse for the week. Yeah. Yeah I'm listening God.
Then at our weekly trip to Goodwill (we are building our homeschool library for pennies!) I found an amazing little book about the people who helped line it all up I'm the beginning. The story that eventually has my church building an orphanage in Haiti and me traveling there for the 3rd time. Seriously??!! For 50¢ God had something to tell me in the Goodwill.
Yup. Every single teeny tiny detail.
Friday, May 11, 2012
I know that I am learning. I know that I am falling on my face daily. I know that God is still doing a work on me daily and I praise Him for His grace when I am so undeserving. But He is already showing me that He has big things planned for this journey........bigger t than I could plan for myself. How amazing to see Him in all the details and to really see Him (in my opinion) calling me out on my weak prayer life!!!
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Who really reads this anyway?
So here I am. Ready for my 3rd trip back to my second home......and yes it feels like home. Isn't "home is where the heart is" an old school but real statement? Well. Haiti has a chunk of my heart and my kiddos there have a chunk of it too!!! I sure do love my Haitian angels. I cannot wait to be back with them........singing and playing and hugging and laughing and hugging and celebrating Jesus together. Such an amazing expression of Gods unequivocal love for us.......because those children are not hiding their love or their desperate need for it. I mean they have the love of our Father but they yearn for the love of a family of a mother or father or just to be important to someone, anyone. And oh my oh my are some of them especially important to me!! I have a running list in my head of who I have to locate and love on and kiss on when I arrive there in just 25 days!!!! First.......my Sophia. That girl has my heart in a way that makes me believe that she was meant to be my daughter......and I'm to love and pray for her and do all I can for her as her maman (mother). And Eidson. Oh my sweet no pants wearing hip hugging big cheese grinning Eidson. He was the first one to catch my eye almost 2 years ago. He was half naked, fighting off scabies, not a happy little man, throwing fits and peeing on you if you allowed him into your lap........yup, this was the first one to capture my heart. We meshed well, maybe something to do with the attitude. Maybe. Flash forward a year and wow what a difference 11 months makes. He was grinning and happy, he still pee'd on me but I was glad. It's almost like marking his territory and he was claiming me yet again. And then Midarly. Ah. She was none too happy our first week together. Quiet, shy, sad, quiet very quiet.......but she climbed on for dear life and didn't want to let go. Then last year------what a beautiful change!!! She was happy and laughing and dancing and spunky, still quiet but my little petunia had bloomed!!! And Sania. Sania. Sania. I cannot wait to hear her yelling PamEEEla! That girl has personality that the Kardashians couldn't compete with, she is a firecracker that pops and booms regularly------and there's guaranteed joy when she does. She warms my heart in her own special way! And then I can't forget my boyfriend Wiligens, always happy to shyly steal a kiss on the cheek but always being the quiet one.........just pleased to be near by and always happy to hold hands. And Vesne and Saint Fey and Beatrice and Merlin and so so many others!
And even though they don't know I'm coming.......I know I won't be disappointed when I get there. It'll be like a walking surprise party when I get off the bus.......they are delighted to have our groups come in and spend time with them and love on them but something magical happens when there are repeat visitors.......they know the love must brew real, like really real because you came back. You found them worthy of another week of your time......you cared enough to make the trip and get back to them, even if for a short time. They know and they understand and it matters to them.......because they SEE AND FEEL that they matter to us!!!
So I'm going back. 3 rd trip. Completely paid for (yet again) with the generosity of others and from my donations from family sessions. I have been blessed more than my share by making 2 trips and now preparing for the 3rd. I am so so grateful that God has a way to use me in Haiti and that I get to open my heart for these sweet precious kiddies. I don't feel worthy of such an amazing experience.......the most amazing journey He has had me on for sure.
So I'm going. My mom is going back to. Praying I will blog more and share more. I just never feel I have the right words to say what is all a jumbled emotional mess in my heart when I think to Haiti. But I really should share because sharing is caring and Haiti is way to amazing to keep to myself.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
......so much to tell.
So I'm starting here with Sophia.
I wrote about Sophia before, my sweet sweet Sophia.
The precious teen who wrote me a letter last summer saying good-bye and called me her momma.
The one who has never left my heart since making her mark on it last summer.
This one........

I was approached by kids that I didn't recognize, one's that KNEW my name! And they are all saying 'Pam-E-la".......over and over. And they are pulling at my arm and pointing towards the homes and saying "Sophia, Sophia" and I soon realized that they were making a connection between me and her! And they KNEW who I was! And they were insistent that I was going to the house to see Sophia. And as I started to cross the bridge over, I saw her......coming towards me with one shoe on and one shoe in her hand......and we met in the middle of this bridge!
And she hugged and squeezed me and I was tearing up and she would pull back and look at me and then hug me again.....it was wonderful!!! I don't think Paramount Pictures would've written a more beautiful moment for this! And other children are by us and they are pointing at me and then pointing to Sophia and saying "Manman" (means Mother) and pointing to their hearts........and I was crying now and saying "Yes, manman". And now they aren't only talking about me being Sophia's momma but I think they were talking about me being there momma. And I honestly was overwhelmed at how much I wanted to just load them all up in the bus and bring them home with me and be their momma. It was overwhelming and beautiful and was more of a moment than I could have even imagined myself.
The next 6 days with her were amazing and it was so hard to leave her again.......but I hope and pray that I will touch that sweet face again!! I've been gone for almost 2 months.....but we've already managed to swap letters (and I sent photos) and I can't wait to see what she has to say!
Sophia will never know how she has changed me..........but I pray she knows how much I love her!