I realize that I cry at the most inopportune times these days. I thought I had a heart for the orphans and for the nations before. But I thank God every day and night for showing me that I couldn't even imagine or fathom what having a heart for the nations looked and felt like......THANK YOU JESUS FOR FINDING ME WORTHY OF SUCH HEARTBREAK AND PASSION! I would've never been able to comprehend (what I STILL don't comprehend) if He hadn't sent me there to see, smell, touch and hear what the suffering IS. It is real....it is SO real.
"I wanna be your hands and feet. I wanna see the world through your eyes. Ready yourselves. Let us shine the light of Jesus in the darkest night. May the powers of darkness tremble as our praises rise. Lifting up your name for ALL to hear the sound. We'll sing until the WHOLE WORLD HEARS!!"
I've been reading "RaDicAL" by David Platt. Whew!! Let me just say......it's very intense! It just solidifies my submission to the "never stop crying" part of my journey. I don't want to EVER become desensitized to the suffering in the world. I don't want to EVER forget or be absent from the REAL FACT that there are people EVERYWHERE suffering! I know some think that sounds depressing.....I find it highly motivating! Motivating to BE the CHANGE! To be the DIFFERENCE! To use EVERY single resource, talent and gift that God blessed me with to the fullest extent of my ability to get out there and do SOMETHING!!! I may not be able to do everything BUT I can do something! I can do a whole bunch of somethings! And whenever I think I can't do anything or I'm too tired or just can't give anymore of myself.......I will look at these faces.......faces I touched......necks I hugged......hearts that touched mine......and I will keep on trucking!! Because THEY need us too!!! For the GLORY of GOD, they need me to keep going! They need me to keep talking and sharing and doing and collecting and telling and showing and being.....ALL ABOUT GOD FOR THEM!
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