My Sophia, my Sophia. What a beautiful young lady of God, my Sophia.

Many people wondered (and some asked) what kind of difference can you really make in just a week? Better yet, what difference can you make in these kids lives in just a few hours a day for a week? What kind of difference can be made in less than a 40 hour work week? Can a difference be made in less than 40 hours? Especially when you don't speak the same language? How about when you honestly know nothing about each other, except that you share a love for God? If you want to know what kind of difference can be made in less than 40 hours, over a 6 day week, with minimal words exchanged.......just ask Sophia.
Meet Sophia. The sweetest smile, the prettiest eyes. A young woman who is 15 and doesn't remember when/how she came to be an orphan. Sophia is blessed to have her brother with her at the orphanage, so she is not completely "alone". Sophia grabbed hold of me the very first day at Jeremie. And I do literally mean "grabbed hold". The children were told to go find a buddy to hang out with......and Sophia chose me. She held onto my waist so tightly that I stumbled a few times as we walked over to the church. We exchanged names and smiles, and oober amounts of love. Sophia was all smiles the first day.......but not so much on Sunday or Monday. On Monday after several attempts at getting her to smile, I grabbed one of the interpreters. And we had a short conversation........I asked her to smile. She just looked down and said "No." The interpreter asked if she didn't like me......she responded that she did very much. I told her "I love you. When I go home, I am going to hang your picture in my house. You will be forever a part of my family and we will pray for you everyday." To this......Sophia smiled and cried. And you know I was crying too. Sophia smiled.......a beautiful smile!!
The next 2 days, Sophia and me danced and played and blew bubbles and sang songs and we laughed. Still not exactly sure what we laughed at......we couldn't really talk. We just literally enjoyed each others company, enjoyed doing crafts together and shared a real agape love. It was wonderful and powerful to experience. I was so sad on Thursday, knowing that would be our last visit together. When we arrived at the orphanage, many of the children were sad and you could feel it in the air. That this was our last day on this trip.......and they knew it as much as we did. Sophia was very clingy on the last day. She didn't smile much but she loved catching my eyes in a gaze and looking deep inside. It was almost as if she was trying to peek inside and see who I am. Because really.......what did Sophia know about me?
Well, Sophia knows that I have a husband and two children. She had seen a picture of them and of my mom and sister. She knew that I loved to sing and dance. She knew that I loved to laugh and play. She knew that I am NOT good at jumping rope and that I sweat much. (She was always wiping my sweat off my brow.) And Sophia knew that I loved God enough to leave my home and come spend time with her. And that was ALL Sophia needed to love me as much as she does.

If anyone ever doubts the ability to move hearts in less than 40 hours over 6 days......I'd say talk to Sophia. Ask her if my time was well served. Ask Sophia if that 40 hours made a difference in her heart and mind. And since you can't really ask Sophia........I'll let Sophia's letter do the talking for her. This letter was given to me just before I left the orphanage on the last day. Sophia had sat down with one of the translators and had him write it for me. It speaks volumes on what kind of difference IS made when we OBEY God's will.......nothing is little when God is in it.
""I'm so glad because you were spent a week with me. So, now you're ready to go back in United States, then...I'm very sorry because you will leave me alone. I'm thinking with you so much. Don't forget me and our relationship in Haiti. So, every times I need to be graceful of you, for what you have done for me. you gave to me sandal, clothes, thank you for this. I'm telling you truly, tear drops will never dry in my eyes cause of you. I love you as you love me. Then I love you more, because you're my mother forever. May God be with you and protect you in your trip, because it is still dangerous. Be careful my love! I'm sending a special greeting to your family. And tell them you have a friend in Haiti who never give you up. She's Sophia. I hope you'll be back very soon. I hopefully really on you Pam. Because I love you and I see you love me too.""

Sophia, thank you for all that you allowed God to show through you. Not just to me, but to so many others who will read your sweet words! Pamela remen ou Sophia!