Friday, January 7, 2011

New Year's Resolutions......Goals

Resolutions?! Every year it seems resolutions get made and broken.........I am notorious for making a list of "goals" for the year and well, life just seems to creep in and take over. It's always the same. Plus is the cold bleak winter really the best time to make any resolution that doesn't involve eating junk food, sleeping in late and veggie out for movie marathons?? Cause if those were my new years resolutions......I would be able to hold to them tightly until at least March or April. :)

But this year......I did it again. I made a list of resolutions and goals for the new year upon us. Just wanted to share with others so maybe I have more accountability? Eh, who knows....I may end up on the "couldn't keep my resolutions train"......we'll see. So here's my current goals for the new year:

Read through the bible chronologically-----cover to cover!
Reading through a children's chronological bible with Maekayla!
Run in a half marathon in April!
Lose the 10 lbs I gained so far this cold season----PLUS another 30!
Get back to my crafting----I miss my creative outlet and the stress relief it is to me!
Be a better mommy and spend more quality time with my intentional!
Be a better wife and keep praying for God to keep teaching me to let my husband LEAD!!
Get back to Haiti at least once----praying for my hubby to GO with me??!!
Finally get my house unclutter and decorated and that includes hanging some pictures on the walls. these are just to start and we'll see what is success and where I fall short. But I know that with God anything is possible. He knows the desires of our hearts......I am praying that with God I can accomplish all these and anything else that falls on my heart!! We shall see!!!

Happy New Year to you all!!! Love!!!!

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