The BESTEST part (yes, I said bestest!) is that my mom is coming with me!!!! I cannot believe that she is finally saying YES but she is and she's COMING TOO!!!! This is going to be an incredible journey to share with her and I cannot wait to see ALL that God is going to show us and all the ways we are going to GROW together in our walk! 

Now, there's so much to do!!! Money to raise for BOTH of us! Mom has to get all her shots, she has no passport----she has to get a copy of her birth certificate first. We leave in 15 weeks and 2 days!!! That is basically around the corner!! Ahhhhh!
And yes......I am excited. I know you can tell by the million (okay not that many, but I would if I had time!) exclamation points I have used!!!! So we leave the end of May and here we go..............