"Work for the Lord. The pay isn't much, but the retirement benefit is out of this world."----unknown
Matthew 6:3-4 says: "But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you."
The notes at the bottom of my bible say: "It is easier to do what's right when we gain recognition and praise. To be sure our motives are not selfish, we should do our good deeds quietly or in secret, with no thought of reward. Ask yourself "Would I still do this if no one would ever know I did it?"
So this verse is in my heart on a daily basis. I read it and re-read it and ask others of their interpretations. And I think that after months and months of trying to come to grips with what this verse means, I know what it means to me. I get the whole don't boast about your good deeds. Obviously don't go around tooting your own gracious horn. However, I think that as believers and followers we are to share times when God motivates us to do certain things. I love when I have a story of God's provision and although my right hand was working, God is getting ALL the glory. This has happened on a few occasions that something wonderful happened and I have held back from sharing an awesome story. Simply because I didn't want anyone to think I wanted the "thunder". When in reality and in my heart, I just wanted to shout for joy at the Glory of God!
For example.....
Here in Nashville, we experienced a severe flood on May 2, 2010. It left massive amounts of damage, thousands of homes under water and lots of work to be done. I was so mesmerized by the outpouring from people willing to help others. Not just the church, but people from all walks of life. I was also moved by the people who themselves had been affected by the flood, that STILL went out to help those who had been affected worse. It was quite glorious to see God's hands and feet in full motion.
Being a stay at home mom, I am not able to do all the things I wish I could as far as church and volunteering go.......I have 2 under 5 and that's not always the most convenient. But I had a good friend who was arranging for laundry to be done for flood victims. All the clothing these dear people owned had been under dirty water for 3-4 days and it needed to be cleaned to be salvaged. So I figured doing laundry was something I for sure could do at home with the kids, I mean I do our laundry (most of the time). So I loaded up my 2, plus 1 extra I was watching for a friend and off we went to pick up some laundry. What happened next was all GOD!!
I got there thinking I would pick up some garbage bags and go home and wash the stuff. That's not what God was thinking. Ms. Becky hadn't even gathered the items yet. So my hubby came to help with his friend, 2 high schoolers from the church and me......we loaded up all of her and her husbands clothes. All of them to a tune of 11 black garbage bags. From here we decided that clearly this was more than we had thought so my new friend Michelle and I went to the local laundry mat to get them done faster. 2 of us to knock them out, this shouldn't take long......again, God had another plan. At the laundry mat the girls from Suntrust saw me and my hubby unloading all the bags from his truck. The window teller came over (we bank there) and was asking if we had been affected by flood waters. We told her "No, we are just doing these for someone else, we were blessed to be untouched." She then handed me $60 in quarters. They had collected a quick donation to help us out! As I'm standing in tears, in awe of God's provision, I am thinking there is NO WAY we need this much money. I had $20 in quarters, as did Michelle. Did we really need $100? After 40 loads, 15 dryers going at a time and 3 screaming kids......we used $95 to do Ms. Becky's laundry. I was floored!! FLOORED! God saw a need in our moment, we never even asked for help.....we didn't know we needed it!!! Jehovah Jireh, Lord God will provide!!! Amen!!
Now, how do you NOT tell someone that story? I know some would say I'm just bragging about doing 40 loads of laundry.....HA!!! Trust me, laundry is NOT my forte. I loathe doing laundry....which is why I believe with all my heart that was where God had me to serve. I should be more appreciative of the laundry I have to do and the capacity to do it. How can I keep that story and the lessons learned in it---all to myself? I don't think I am supposed to.
The Bible also says:
"But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect. No, I worked harder than all of them--yet not I, but the grace of God that was with me." 1Cor 10
True humility is recognizing that God's work in you. It is having God's perspective on who you are and acknowledging his grace in developing your abilities.
TRUST me.....ONLY God's grace allowed me and Michelle to accomplish what was done that day.